commit 30bb148c53de3d1524d78ff672955695b6abd38d
Author: Translation commit bot <>
Date:   Thu Oct 17 06:17:20 2019 +0000
 ca/messages.json    | 14 +++++++-------
 de/messages.json    |  4 ++--
 mk/messages.json    | 14 +++++++-------
 tr/messages.json    | 12 ++++++------
 zh_CN/messages.json | 14 +++++++-------
 5 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ca/messages.json b/ca/messages.json
index bec8de33d..0145fd480 100644
--- a/ca/messages.json
+++ b/ca/messages.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     "message": "Les galetes no estan activades."
   "websiteIntro": {
-    "message": "Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People 
who are censored can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection 
goes through Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers. For more detailed 
information about how Snowflake works see our <a 
data-msgid=\"__MSG_docWiki__\">documentation wiki</a>."
+    "message": "Snowflake és un sistema per defensar-se contra la censura a 
Internet. La gent a qui s'aplica aquesta censura pot utilitzar Snowflake per 
accedir a Internet. La connexió funciona mitjançant servidors intermediaris 
de Snowflake, creats per voluntaris. Per a més informació quant al 
funcionament del Snowflake, veieu la <a 
 al wiki</a>."
   "docWiki": {
     "message": "documentation wiki"
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
     "message": "Navegador"
   "censoredUsers": {
-    "message": "If your internet access is censored, you should download <a 
href=\"\";>Tor Browser</a>."
+    "message": "Si s'està aplicant cap censura al vostre accés a Internet, 
baixeu el <a href=\"\";>Navegador Tor</a>."
   "extension": {
     "message": "Complement"
   "installExtension": {
-    "message": "If your internet access is <strong>not</strong> censored, you 
should consider installing the Snowflake extension to help users in censored 
networks. There is no need to worry about which websites people are accessing 
through your proxy. Their visible browsing IP address will match their Tor exit 
node, not yours."
+    "message": "Si el vostre accés a Internet <strong>no</strong> està 
censurat, considereu instal·lar el complement Snowflake per ajudar a usuaris 
amb censura a les seves connexions. No us heu d'amoïnar pel contingut web que 
visitin mitjançant el vostre servidor intermediari. La seva adreça IP 
coincidirà amb el node de sortida del Tor, no la vostra IP."
   "installFirefox": {
     "message": "Install in Firefox"
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@
     "message": "Reporting Bugs"
   "fileBug": {
-    "message": "If you encounter problems with Snowflake as a client or a 
proxy, please consider filing a bug.  To do so, you will have to,"
+    "message": "Si trobeu cap problema utilitzant el Snowflake com a client o 
com a servidor intermediari, notifiqueu l'error.  Simplement,"
   "sharedAccount": {
-    "message": "Either <a 
href=\"\";>create an 
account</a> or <a href=\"\";>log 
in</a> using the shared <b>cypherpunks</b> account with password 
+    "message": "<a 
href=\"\";>Creeu un compte</a> 
o <a href=\"\";>Inicieu la 
sessió</a> al compte compartit <b>cypherpunks</b> amb el <b>codi 
   "bugTracker": {
-    "message": "<a 
 a ticket</a> using our bug tracker."
+    "message": "<a 
 un tiquet</a> mitjançant el nostre sistema."
   "descriptive": {
-    "message": "Please try to be as descriptive as possible with your ticket 
and if possible include log messages that will help us reproduce the bug. 
Consider adding keywords <em>snowflake-webextension</em> or 
<em>snowflake-client</em> to let us know how which part of the Snowflake system 
is experiencing problems."
+    "message": "Sigueu el més descriptiu possible en emplenar (en anglès) el 
tiquet i, si és possible, afegiu informes de registre que siguin d'ajuda a 
reproduir el problema. Considereu afegir les paraules clau 
<em>snowflake-webextension</em> o <em>snowflake-client</em> segons calgui per 
ajudar-nos a saber on esteu experimentant el problema."
   "embed": {
     "message": "Embed"
diff --git a/de/messages.json b/de/messages.json
index bd3e747ae..1b2ff5135 100644
--- a/de/messages.json
+++ b/de/messages.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     "message": "Cookies sind nicht aktiviert."
   "websiteIntro": {
-    "message": "Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People 
who are censored can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection 
goes through Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers. For more detailed 
information about how Snowflake works see our <a 
data-msgid=\"__MSG_docWiki__\">documentation wiki</a>."
+    "message": "Snowflake ist ein System um Internetzensur zu überwinden. 
Personen, die zensiert werden können Snowflake verwenden, um auf das Internet 
zuzugreifen. Deren Verbindung läuft über Snowflake proxies, welche von 
Freiwilligen betrieben werden. Für genauere Informationen über wie Snowflake 
funktioniert, besuchen Sie bitte das <a 
   "docWiki": {
     "message": "documentation wiki"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     "message": "Browser"
   "censoredUsers": {
-    "message": "If your internet access is censored, you should download <a 
href=\"\";>Tor Browser</a>."
+    "message": "Falls Ihr Internetzugang zensiert ist, sollte Sie den <a 
href=\"\";>Tor Browser</a> herunterladen."
   "extension": {
     "message": "Erweiterung"
diff --git a/mk/messages.json b/mk/messages.json
index 07b76d4c2..a063eaf75 100644
--- a/mk/messages.json
+++ b/mk/messages.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     "message": "Колачињата не се овозможени."
   "websiteIntro": {
-    "message": "Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People 
who are censored can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection 
goes through Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers. For more detailed 
information about how Snowflake works see our <a 
data-msgid=\"__MSG_docWiki__\">documentation wiki</a>."
+    "message": "Snowflake е систем кој ја поразува 
интернет цензурата. Луѓето кои се 
цензурирани може да го користат Snowflake за да 
пристапуваат на Интернет. Нивното 
поврзување оди преку Snowflake проксија, кои се 
водени од волонтери. За подетални 
информации за тоа како работи Snowflake видете 
ја нашата <a 
data-msgid=\"__MSG_docWiki__\">wiki документација</a>."
   "docWiki": {
     "message": "documentation wiki"
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
     "message": "Прелистувач"
   "censoredUsers": {
-    "message": "If your internet access is censored, you should download <a 
href=\"\";>Tor Browser</a>."
+    "message": "Ако вашиот пристап на Интернет е 
цензуриран, треба да го преземете <a 
href=\"\";>Tor Browser</a>."
   "extension": {
     "message": "Проширување"
   "installExtension": {
-    "message": "If your internet access is <strong>not</strong> censored, you 
should consider installing the Snowflake extension to help users in censored 
networks. There is no need to worry about which websites people are accessing 
through your proxy. Their visible browsing IP address will match their Tor exit 
node, not yours."
+    "message": "Ако вашиот Интернет пристап е 
<strong>не</strong> цензуриран, би можеле да 
размислите да гоинсталирате Snowflake 
проширувањето за да им помогнете на 
корисниците на цензурираните мрежи. Нема 
потребе да се грижите за тоа на која веб 
страна луѓето и пристапуваат преку вашето 
прокси. Нивната видлива IP адреса за 
прелистување ќе одговоара со нивниот 
излезен Tor јазол, а не со вашиот."
   "installFirefox": {
     "message": "Install in Firefox"
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@
     "message": "Reporting Bugs"
   "fileBug": {
-    "message": "If you encounter problems with Snowflake as a client or a 
proxy, please consider filing a bug.  To do so, you will have to,"
+    "message": "Ако се судрите со проблеми со 
Snowflake како клиент или како пркси, ве молиме 
размислете да пријавите грешка. За да го 
сторите тоа, треба да,"
   "sharedAccount": {
-    "message": "Either <a 
href=\"\";>create an 
account</a> or <a href=\"\";>log 
in</a> using the shared <b>cypherpunks</b> account with password 
+    "message": "Или да <a 
сметка</a> или <a 
href=\"\";>да се 
најавите</a> користејќи ја споделената 
<b>енкриптерска</b> сметка со лозинка <b> внеси 
код </b>."
   "bugTracker": {
-    "message": "<a 
 a ticket</a> using our bug tracker."
+    "message": "<a 
 рапорт</a> користејќи го нашиот следач на 
   "descriptive": {
-    "message": "Please try to be as descriptive as possible with your ticket 
and if possible include log messages that will help us reproduce the bug. 
Consider adding keywords <em>snowflake-webextension</em> or 
<em>snowflake-client</em> to let us know how which part of the Snowflake system 
is experiencing problems."
+    "message": "Ве молиме обидете се да бидете што 
е можно појасни во вашиот рапорт и ако е 
можно вклучете ги логовите кои ќе ни 
помогнат да ја произведеме истата грешка. Р
азмислете за доддавање на клучни зборови 
<em>snowflake-webextension</em> или <em>snowflake-client</em> како би 
ни кажале во кој дел од Snowflake системот се 
сретнавте со проблеми."
   "embed": {
     "message": "Embed"
diff --git a/tr/messages.json b/tr/messages.json
index b285ec8de..8b374c463 100644
--- a/tr/messages.json
+++ b/tr/messages.json
@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@
     "message": "Install in Chrome"
   "reportingBugs": {
-    "message": "Reporting Bugs"
+    "message": "Hata Bildirimi"
   "fileBug": {
-    "message": "If you encounter problems with Snowflake as a client or a 
proxy, please consider filing a bug.  To do so, you will have to,"
+    "message": "Bir istemci ya da vekil sunucu olarak Snowflake kullanırken 
sorun yaşarsanız, hata bildirimi gönderebilirsiniz. Bunun için,"
   "sharedAccount": {
-    "message": "Either <a 
href=\"\";>create an 
account</a> or <a href=\"\";>log 
in</a> using the shared <b>cypherpunks</b> account with password 
+    "message": " <a 
href=\"\";>Bir hesap 
açabilir</a> ya da <a 
href=\"\";>oturum açmak</a> için 
paylaşılan <b>cypherpunks</b> hesabı ve <b>writecode</b> parolasını 
   "bugTracker": {
-    "message": "<a 
 a ticket</a> using our bug tracker."
+    "message": "<a 
 açmak için</a> hata izleyicimizi kullanabilirsiniz."
   "descriptive": {
-    "message": "Please try to be as descriptive as possible with your ticket 
and if possible include log messages that will help us reproduce the bug. 
Consider adding keywords <em>snowflake-webextension</em> or 
<em>snowflake-client</em> to let us know how which part of the Snowflake system 
is experiencing problems."
+    "message": "Lütfen bildirim kaydında olabildiğince açıklayıcı olun 
ve yapabiliyorsanız hatayı yeniden oluşturmamıza yardımcı olabilecek 
günlük iletilerini ekleyin. Sorunun Snowflake sisteminin hangi parçasında 
yaşandığını bildirmek için <em>snowflake-webextension</em> ya da 
<em>snowflake-client</em> anahtar sözcüklerini ekleyebilirsiniz."
   "embed": {
-    "message": "Embed"
+    "message": "Ekleme"
   "possible": {
     "message": "Artık Snowflake amblemini herhangi bir web sitesine 
diff --git a/zh_CN/messages.json b/zh_CN/messages.json
index 65355b55f..ad6a8a3e8 100644
--- a/zh_CN/messages.json
+++ b/zh_CN/messages.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     "message": "Cookie 未启用。"
   "websiteIntro": {
-    "message": "Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People 
who are censored can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection 
goes through Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers. For more detailed 
information about how Snowflake works see our <a 
data-msgid=\"__MSG_docWiki__\">documentation wiki</a>."
+    "message": "Snowflake 
Snowflake 来访问互联网。他们的连接将通过由志愿者
们所运行的 Snowflake 代理来访问网络。了解更多关于 Snowflake 
data-msgid=\"__MSG_docWiki__\">文档 wiki</a>。"
   "docWiki": {
     "message": "documentation wiki"
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
     "message": "浏览器"
   "censoredUsers": {
-    "message": "If your internet access is censored, you should download <a 
href=\"\";>Tor Browser</a>."
+    "message": 
"如果您的互联网访问是受到审查的,您应该下载 <a 
href=\"\";>Tor 浏览器</a>。"
   "extension": {
     "message": "拓展"
   "installExtension": {
-    "message": "If your internet access is <strong>not</strong> censored, you 
should consider installing the Snowflake extension to help users in censored 
networks. There is no need to worry about which websites people are accessing 
through your proxy. Their visible browsing IP address will match their Tor exit 
node, not yours."
+    "message": 
可以考虑安装 Snowflake 
心人们通过您的代理访问哪些网站。他们可见的 IP 
地址是他们的 Tor 出口节点的 IP 地址,而不是您的。"
   "installFirefox": {
     "message": "Install in Firefox"
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@
     "message": "报告缺陷"
   "fileBug": {
-    "message": "If you encounter problems with Snowflake as a client or a 
proxy, please consider filing a bug.  To do so, you will have to,"
+    "message": "如果您在使用 Snowflake 客户端或者
   "sharedAccount": {
-    "message": "Either <a 
href=\"\";>create an 
account</a> or <a href=\"\";>log 
in</a> using the shared <b>cypherpunks</b> account with password 
+    "message": "<a 
…使用共享的 <b>cypherpunks</b> 账号 <b>writecode</b> 密码<a 
   "bugTracker": {
-    "message": "<a 
 a ticket</a> using our bug tracker."
+    "message": "<a 
   "descriptive": {
-    "message": "Please try to be as descriptive as possible with your ticket 
and if possible include log messages that will help us reproduce the bug. 
Consider adding keywords <em>snowflake-webextension</em> or 
<em>snowflake-client</em> to let us know how which part of the Snowflake system 
is experiencing problems."
+    "message": "请尽量描述您的情
 å…³é”®è¯ <em>snowflake-webextension</em> 或者 <em>snowflake-client</em> 
来让我们知道您在 Snowflake 系统的哪个部分中遇到了问题。"
   "embed": {
     "message": "Embed"

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