>The amount of energy a Squeezebox in Standby uses is insignificant.
It's not insignificant.  But I wasn't thinking from a wastage of energy point 
of view.

Sometimes I just don't need or even want the device on.  eg. if I am going away 
for a week, I don't want my device to be triggered from an alarm to play music 
all week.  Chances are my PC will be off anyway.  I could go through the menus 
and turn off all alarms, but then I'd have to remember to turn them back on 
again, whereas simply turning off/on the device is easier.  There's just no 
need for it to be on.

As my power strip is under the desk, and doesn't have individual on/off 
switches, I'd have to fiddle with plugs under the desk (so I yank the power 
cable out of the back of the unit instead), which is cumbersome.

Why is there such a resistance to a simple on/off rocker on the back of the 
Squeezebox units?  Everything else in the world has one.
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