I assume that Amazon will have internal rules about their order book
accounting, they probably need to clear orders that have indeterminate
fulfillment date.

In the current situation I believe you have three options:

Look elsewhere - I doubt you will find a multi-room solution that
operates better than Squeeze stuff.  The issue is future confidence,
Logitech is a major player, they must be committed, they will get there.
IMHO while AndyG keeps going it will happen.

Wait - if you currently have nothing, then not that practical.

Substitute an SB3 - reliable, loads in use, very good (in my opinion
for my usage better).  Either distribution for last stock or E**y.

I have a Linn DS system for my main HiFi but continue to use SB3s and
Booms for house coverage, and I will buy more.  (I don't personally
believe in the Transporter future)

Hang in there.


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