There is a distinct difference in what happens between ending one song -
going to the next in playlist AND pressing the skip button. 

In the case of a song ending and going to the next in the playlist it
starts reading the next file while the end of the current file is still
playing, that way its ready to switch streams on the fly without any

When you press the skip button it has to go off right now and find the
file and start reading the data. It buffers some data up and starts
playing it. There is a tradeoff here as to how much data it reads
before starting the playback. It sounds like the system is set for
reading a small amount of data so it can start playing quickly, but
with hirez (or maybe hirez and flac etc) thats not really enough and
the initial buffer gets emptied before it can fill the next buffer, so
a stutter happens. 

When automatically ending one song and going to the next on the
playlist its easy to grab a fair amount of data so you don't have a
dropout, with the skip button it takes some tuning to get the right
tradeoff between no dropouts and time you have to wait before music

Unfortunately that tradeoff seems to be different for different setups.
For example I never have a problem with it at all, I can play -8 encoded
flacs 24/96 files off the USB drive and skip between songs and never
have a problem. Other people have problems when skipping ahead but not
when automatically going from one to the next, and others seem to have
have problems all the time no matter what. So far we haven't figured
out what the differences are that cause these discrepancies in

John S.

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