JohnSwenson;557638 Wrote: 
> Teus,
> I finally got it worked out. Here is what you need to do:
> SSH into the Touch, type:
> cd /etc/init.d
> cp squeezecenter squeezecenter.orig
> vi squeezecenter
> Find the line which is:
> start)
> Then find the line that starts with:
> nice -n 5 $BASE/
> On this line delete the word:
> --nodebuglog
> Do this by putting the cursor under the first character of the word to
> be deleted (the '-' character) and tapping the 'x' key. Tap this key
> for each letter of the word. 
> Then save and quit by typing:
> :wq
> Then type:
> cd /etc/squeezecenter/prefs
> cp log.conf log.conf.orig
> vi log.conf
> Find the line:
> log4perl.logger.scan = ERROR 
> Move the cursor to under the 'E' of error, type the 'x' key multiple
> times to erase the word ERROR. Then tap the 'a' key, type DEBUG, then
> tap the ESC key. 
> Type:
> :wq
> To save and quit the edit.
> Now type:
> sync
> This guarantees the file system gets updated. 
> Make sure the USB drive is not connected (eject if necessary). Delete
> the .Squeezebox directory on the drive to make sure it starts a fresh
> scan.
> Reboot the Touch.
> Plug in the USB drive.
> Wait for it to get the out of memory or whatever you see when it
> crashes in the artwork scan. 
> Do NOT reboot at this point! 
> SSH into the touch and:
> cd /var/log
> less messages
> Type <shift>G
> This will bring you to the bottom of the log file. Start poking around
> and let us know what you see. You can use the arrow keys to scroll up
> and down. 
> Looking at the log file as a network share from another computer should
> also probably still work, but at this point the Touch may be in a
> strange state, loging in with SSH will probably have a higher
> probability of working. 
> John S.

I just gave it another try without scanning. If one does not want the
scan to happen, the simple way is to SSH to the touch, go to
/etc/squeezecenter/prefs/, edit the server.prefs file, change the
autorescan to 0; earlier I changed the precacheArtwork to 0, but that
did not save the server from crashing either. Be sure to type "sync"
after you edit this file with vi.

Another thinking that might interest frustrated users like myself is to
totally disable artwork. I noticed that in the
/usr/squeezeserver/ file there is a line setting
This ensures that scanner does not extract artwork when doing audio

I wonder we can grep $ENV{AUDIO_SCAN_NO_ARTWORK} and set them to be all
0 to disable artwork scan within music files.

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