wt0;559847 Wrote: 
> Quick search in the app catalog showed a few lyrics app, one of which
> claims to use communtiy contributed lyrics which I doubt has a license.
> So I guess Palm's not quite as concerned about licensing at least for
> now.
Oh, there are probably dozens on the App Store, too. Apple doesn't
check for the licensing in advance, they pull them when a complaint
from a license holder comes in. I have five or six none of whose is
still on the App Store.

Lyrics Wiki for example is "community created" but does have a license,
at least in the US.

Lyrdb, which is what the Lyrics plugin uses, has not, I believe they
have one in Spain but that doesn't really help here.
> I captured some packets from squeezeplay and it doesn't look too
> horribly difficult, but of course this stuff never looks that bad at
> the beginning. :)
Well. The problem is a significant amount of functionality is not
So I decided to port Squeezeplay's audio part which is not too
difficult on the protocol level but becomes increasingly so if you get
into the details. Lots of libraries, then there's licensing again (I
don't want to pay for an mp3 codec if there's already one on the
iPhone) and so on.
> Hmm.. I never considered porting squeezeslave, but I guess that maybe
> possible for webos, I think the Palm license maybe more amicable to
> GPL.

The problem with the App Store is not really the license. It's that GPL
requires you to put your own code under GPL, too. I don't plan to do
that plus I use stuff from Apple that has license terms that are not
compatible (it's sample code where I can't redistribute the source
code) so I would have to re-write that. Plus there's stuff like
Logitech artwork (player icons,...) and and and...
GPL is just a horrible mess, it's more dogmatic than the catholic


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
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