I've not had any major problems using TinySBS on the Touch.  I've had a
1.5TB samsung USB drive attached to the touch with about 14K tracks
(200GB) mostly flac and mp3.  The USB drive has lots of other files as
well including hundreds of photos - I've been using it for backups
until I get another USB drive).  The Touch is connected to the router
wirelessly.  I also have a PC wirelessly connected to the router.  When
the PC is off I use the built in server and it has performed pretty well
sending music to various squeezeboxes around the house.  When the PC is
on I use the full server and set the library location to be the USB
drive attached to the Touch and this works fine (even though there are
probably a lot of wireless hops).

All seemed OK apart from irritating problems with artwork.  Sometimes
either the thumbnail or the album or track artwork would be missing. 
It would be missing on the Controller, Touch and Web interface on the
PC but it wasn't the same items on all three.

I decided to wipe and rescan the lot but this time I've connected a
second  new Touch by ethernet to the router and attached the USB drive
to that.  I've tried to wipe and rescan a number of times and have had
a message saying the "local music system has stopped due to an error". 
Although I can use the new Touch more than half the tracks aren't

With the latest scan I left it running and kept popping back to check
progress - it was discovering files and said it would be 25 mins.  When
I last looked the screen had reverted to the Clock.  When going through
settings-advanced-server it says "scanning media or music files, please
wait ..."  It has been like that for 2 hours but the USB drive is not
spinning.  I guess it's stuck and I'll have to start again.

How long should a complete rescan take for 200GB and 14k tracks?  Is
the discovering files part only the start of the scan (25 mins in my
case)and then the rest of the scan takes hours?

I don't know if this makes any difference but previously I embedded
artwork in each track - usually about but no more than 500x500. 
Recently I've been adding to the album folders 125x125
albumartsmall.jpg files and folder.jpg files of anything up to 900x900.
This was in response to a comment from Collio somewhere about better
artwork for the IPad version of Ipeng.  (btw Ipeng is brilliant but I
much prefer the old interface - I would love to have a similar app on a
tablet PC but not apple if possible).

I'm going to stop the server on the Touch and try a full rescan from
the full server on the PC.

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