ralphpnj;581163 Wrote: 
> I encounter exactly the same issue when playing 24/96 files, i.e. the
> file starts playing, stops to re-buffer and then continues playing just
> fine. My Touch uses a wired connection so I know that it's not a
> wireless network issue. I believe that this behavior is a result of the
> Touch's internal buffer not filling up fast enough at the very beginning
> of playback. Once the buffer is filled, which it is after the
> re-buffering, the Touch plays great.
> So in other words, don't knock yourself out trying to fix your server
> and network because the fault is in the Touch. It's a very minor fault
> and one I can easily live with especially since this only occurs at the
> start of 24/96 playback and not at any other time.

My understanding of the issue is this: when going from one song to the
next in the playlist (say when playing a whole album), the Touch starts
filling up a buffer for the next song while the first is still playing,
so when it goes to the next song the buffer is already full and it
smoothly goes to the next.

When you first start playing a playlist (album) this overlap doesn't
exist. Because the buffer is large it would take a long time to
completely fill the buffer and many people get annoyed with having to
wait many seconds before the music starts, so only a small portion of
the buffer gets filled to begin with. While that small portion of the
buffer is playing it then tries to fill the rest of the buffer. There
is a tradeoff here between trying to keep the initial delay short and
having enough time to fill the rest of the buffer. With 24/96 that
initial short buffer gets emptied a lot faster so under some
circumstances there is not enough time to fill up the rest of the
buffer, thus the music stops after a few seconds of playing. 

This was all tweaked and constants were worked out for 16/44.1, for
24/96 they don't always work. For future releases I think the
developers are working on a way to change those constants depending on
the sample rate being used. Several months ago I remember Andy posting
a way to change this number, but I can't find that post right now. 

If the number can't get changed the way to improve it is to work on
maximizing the rate of getting data to the Touch. Going wired instead
of wireless is always going to be an improvement. If you can't go wired
just try all the usual wifi things, antenna orientation, changing
channels, turning off things that cause wifi interference etc. 

A slow server can also slow down the rate data gets sent out. In that
case try and cut down what the server is doing, take out plugins you
don't really need etc. Cut down on the transcoding being done in the
server. Don't display cover art. Don't run other programs on the server

Or modify the first track on the album, add 5 seconds of silence to the
beginning, so even though it stutters you can't hear it!

John S.

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