Cool, I just compared my old SB 3 (synced) to the modded SQ Touch on my
SuperNait. Because there is almost no delay switching back and forward
(the supernait DAC takes about a second switching digital inputs), it
was quite easy to compare. 

When I originally compared the touch to the SB3 after purchasing, it
was extremely difficult to tell the difference. (mayby this is caused
by the reclocking feature in the Supernait DAC)

I compared the Touch with both the mod enabled and disabled to the SB

Guys... this is the real deal. 

Doing A/B comparisons between the unmodded Touch and SB3 ... they were
very similar, like expected.

Comparing the modded Touch to the SB3 is a revelation. The difference
is large enough to make a blind A/B test absolute and a waste of my

Clearly more detail in all frequencies (not only the treble as I
originally thought). The result is: More AIR / Ambiance / Better
positioning-separation of instruments / 3D rendering of the soundstage
/ realism. 

Highs do have more “impact/dynamics”, which is very welcome with the
'darker' sound of both my Supernait and Harbeth Super HL5. Textures are
much better, especially with classical instruments.

The considerable level of added resolution has the additional advantage
that you get more musical impact at lower volume.

What is so cool about this, before the mod I always felt I was missing
out on something. I truly considered changing my set-up. Mayby go back
to Nait 5i (that is where my NAIM love started), downgrade to Nait XS,
mayby nDac would fix things. Or even change speakers (was considering
PMC Fact.8).

I thought I hit the limits of my system after the high-cap upgrade
(which is undoubtely a fantastic upgrade), and especially that the
resolution of the Harbeth's could not be bettered. Interestingly, I was
also sceptical about the impact of jitter. I was so wrong in so many

I am sure I will get upgradetites some day, but for now, I can
rediscover my SuperNait+Harbeth combo. 

I never tested it, but I can easily imagine that the improvement on the
analog outputs is real. However, that the difference would be so obvious
on the Supernait truly surprised me, especially because its DAC supposed
to re-clock the bit stream. 

Klaus wrote the mod, and deserves a lot of credit. It is simple to
implement if you follow his instructions carefully. I will donate a
modest fee for his cause, he surely deserves it

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