Peace out, Gaz! (cool reply, btw:)

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> "Listener own brain" surely is different for everyone...?
> We each hear differently and surely we cant tell someone else what they
> are hearing?

No doubt. Not sure how this happened, but while I was defending my own
right to have different kinds of subjective experiences, I got attacked
for allegedly insisting that others don't have that same right to their
own subjective experiences. See how fcuked up that is? I never said
that others must have experiences identical to mine. All I said was,
despite the fact that some dude somewhere had cast a shoddy net (by
that I mean was using some measuring apparatus) over some 'measurable'
phenomena, and couldn't catch any differences in his net, he is now
arrogantly forbidding everyone else from claiming that the differences
are there.

These people that hide behind so-called 'objective' measuring disgust
me. They're bullies and cowards, to say the least.

Let everyone experience reality in their own ways, governed by their
own physical, physiological and mental constitution and their own
proclivities. Don't bully people into obeying some cold, heartless
apparatus that says that differences are nowhere to be found. Measuring
instruments have nothing on human ability to experience the world around
us. (I'm talking about things that pertain to our senses)

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> But measurement has its uses too, as it bypasses these human factors
> surely?
> Both are useful, don't you think?

Absolutely. And while it is true that we can attempt to measure the
factors and variables that contribute to our enjoyment during sexual
intercourse, we would be idiots to rely on that kind of information
before we are allowed to say whether we had a great lay or a so-so lay.
(sorry about the non-prudish illustration)

Measuring various phenomena around us is a useful discipline, providing
that we apply common sense to the measuring results. And I'm not seeing
much common sense being applied around here when it comes to
interpreting measuring results.

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> If someones "subjective yardstick" is different from another's...surely
> thats ok?

Not only is it OK, it's highly desirable that it remains so. Otherwise,
we'd back back into the dark era of totalitarian regimes, such as Nazi
Germany or Soviet Russia. Cold war anyone?

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> To tell someone else they are "wrong" because their subjective view
> differs from yours could be taken, ironically enough, as the kind of
> control and manipulating behaviour that you mention and that NO-ONE
> likes...

True. However, I never said that. All I said was that my subjective
view overrules anyone's measuring results. You can't come to me and
tell me that I haven't been enjoying my listening because some bloody
measuring instrument you're holding in your hand says so. I don't give
a rat's behind about that.

If you, on the other hand, claim that you haven't enjoyed that
listening session because your measuring instrument dictates to you
that you shouldn't, then more power to you. Who am I to argue? I'm only
asking that you don't smother your shit over my enjoyment.

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> can you see what I mean?

Yes I can.

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> Who are these bullies? Authorities..?

To me, anyone who tries to bully his or her way and force it onto
others is a bully. Be it a schoolyard kid, or a president etc.

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> I frequent a fair few Forums and I can assure you, THIS one is one of
> the most helpful ones out there.
> Theres no "cliques", no animosity to new members...none of that crap.
> Theres NO agenda here (c'mon..your being a bit silly with that ;)),
> just a bunch of folk with a shared hobby who are willing to take the
> time to help.
> Just like Soundcheck does.

Cool. And let's make sure it stays that way. So if I claim that some
change I made to my system creates oodles of more pleasure to my
listening ears, I'm expecting others to respect that and not insist
that I am oh-so-wrong on that, because the differences I'm supposedly
hearing are imaginary. Who are they to say so? I'm certainly not trying
to bully anyone into abandoning their convictions that fixing the
digital volume control on the Touch makes no difference at all. If
that's someone's trip, I'm absolutely cool with that. I'm just asking
the same level of respect from others -- if I claim to hear huge
differences, please respect my opinion, and treat it for what it is --
just an opinion.

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> I prefer not to distrust anyone if I can help it, makes for a more
> pleasant life, but "Trust your gut"?
> You have to maybe let others be allowed trust theirs too? ;)

I'm 100% for it. I never insisted that others should not trust their
guts. As a matter of fact, I strongly recommend it. I am more
apprehensive of being fooled by the shoddy measuring results and
abandoning a fruitful path that may lead toward glorious music

Gazjam;605491 Wrote: 
> Its ok to agree to disagree and healthy debate is what forums are all
> about.
> But no-one likes being told what they are hearing is wrong and they are
> "foolish", controlling and know?

Same as no one likes to be accused of imagining things they can clearly

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