MDB;609821 Wrote: 
> With much interest I read the opening post. For over half a year I've
> been doubting if I should buy a SB-Touch or not. The setup I want is
> the same like Jeans: a Touch fed by an external USB-disk. 
> I don't like the thought of energyconsuming NAS under my desk, even my
> babygirl has 'green'lightbulbs in her bedlighting. The only device that
> may make my electric meter go rinkle is my beautifull vacuum tube
> amplifier :)
> So I was thinking to buy a USB-powered WD 160Gb Elements and a SBTouch
> and hook it all together. My question to you is: is it the best choice?
> In the posts you wrote I sometimes read some cynism and it makes me
> wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I do know a thing or two about
> computers and Linux etc, so a bumpy road won't make it impossible for
> me to get to my destination. But if the SBTouch turns out to be a 10k
> miles journey, I might get an alternative.

One possibility is to get a Fit-PC2 running VortexBox software as a
server (it includes SBS). It takes a whopping 5 watts and would be a
MUCH more robust environment than using the Touch internal server. It
runs a full blown SBS with all the features rather than the stripped
down server "TinySBS". The Fit-PC2 is also very tiny, just barely big
enough to hold a 2.5" drive. 

John S.

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