JohnSwenson;619541 Wrote: 
> This is your problem, you didn't go back to the original asound.conf. If
> you want to play music using aplay over the USB port, you CANNOT have
> the USB DAC setup as the default device. Squeezeplay opens the
> "default" device, and if its the USB, squeezeplay gets it, which means
> aplay cannot open it, (because squeezeplay already HAS it).
> Here is the rule: to play music with aplay, the default device CANNOT
> be the USB DAC. If you want to play music with squeezeplay (the Touch's
> normal player, from the touch screen etc), the default device HAS to be
> the USB DAC,
> You cannot switch between the Touch and aplay with the same
> configuration.
> John S.
Dear John,

May be it was not clear in my explanations, I do not have only one PCM
name defined in my asound.conf but several. I did not want to put the
entire asound.conf that I use now during that debugging phase and only
the part of interest. Since I noticed that it did not work straight I
removed usbdac/plugusb as the default. That allows me to boot (every
time I tried to boot with the Scarlatti as default, with or without
anything else defined in asound.conf, the Touch did not simply start).
I am still long way before trying anything with Sqeezeplay.

I was hoping that it was related to a missing module (I know that it
could be embedded in the kernel during the compilation) but it was the
only idea I had.

I asked to dCS, may be they will have an idea.

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