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Question: Getting worse
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- No

nicolas75;621241 Wrote: 
> You are free to be part of those people saying
> - My theory is right, I know the code, and your actual experiments and
> facts are wrong.
> Part of my job is to explain programmers (I often understand their code
> better than them, even if they are the authors), that when customers
> prove that their theories and assumptions are wrong, then the code is
> wrong ...
> It is not unusual to have the following situation
> - your code is wrong
> - no, I wrote it and I know how it works
> - I am saying you are going to have a bug in this situation
> - no, it is not possible
> - ok let's try to do that
> - ... ooo, hum, well, it is not possible ....
> - yes it is, the code is wrong, don't look for another explanation !
> The bug I pointed out shows the difference between the mentality of
> normal peoples, and the mentality of programmers.
> Anyway 7.5.3 has a huge and real problem concerning radio streams and
> loosing connections.
> One among others, apparently new or worse with 7.5.3 (and fit with my
> experiment, which is a fact, not a theory)
> http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16898

I don't know the code and I'm not a programmer, so I can't speak to
this issue. But I do know how to do experiments. The problem with
extrapolating the results of your experiments back to a particular
cause (e.g., 7.5.3 being a problem) is that there are too many
uncontrolled variables (differences in your system, network, etc.) that
confound the results (at least with regard to the hypothesis you're
testing). Just like my brother's success with the Touch and HD is just
one data point and can't really be extrapolated to the population of
users. But it does show that the TOUCH with HD is not absolutely
broken, or it wouldn't work at all for him either.

Another data point:  At my weekend place I've been using for several
weeks 7.5.3 running on a Win7, 64bit laptop. This feeds a TOUCH, a
Radio, and a BOOM. The TOUCH and BOOM are ethernet connected. The Radio
is WIFI. I'm running:  Version: 7.5.3 - r31792 @ Mon Jan 24 07:32:03 PST
2011 (which I believe is the official released version). I keep the
TOUCH and the Radio synched for playback. And heck, my laptop running
SbS is connected via WIFI, which is normally a no-no, as I have two
WIFI hops in my setup here when in comes to my wifi connected Radio. (I
have a sheevaplug to setup as a server here but just haven't had the
time to play with it.)

It's a small place so I have good WIFI coverage. I also get very good
upload/download speeds on my broadband cable connection (20.51mbps
download, 4.19mbps upload). I also have static IP addresses for all the
SB Players, to the extent that makes things more stable.

I listen to about 5 different internet radio streams (WWOZ, WDVX, Radio
Paradise, TSF Jazz, KPIG), Pandora, and my own music in this setup. I've
had zero issues with streaming internet music or playing my own music
(and because it is the weekend, I'm streaming about 12 hours a day for
both Sat and Sunday). 

Again, this is not to discount that you and others are having problems.
Just a datapoint to illustrate that the underlying software and hardware
can't be entirely broken or it wouldn't be trouble free for me. I'm not
just trying to be a shill or Logitech. I like the stuff, I use the
stuff. They have their issues, they have not yet figured out a way to
really explain how all this works to the new or potential customer, and
the support info is not that great (but then again, there is a lot of
good help here from other users!). I also think they "oversold" the
idea that the internal TinySbS in the TOUCH was great for all purposes.
It's not (and I don't use it myself).

I see that 7.5.4 will be out anytime. Hopefully that will solve your

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