Jake72;621271 Wrote: 
> I decided just to get a replacement duet as we like the controller.
> I was wondering does Vortexboc rip FLAC from CD as accurately as EAC?
> On the vortexbox site it says 'You should use a good IDE or SATA CD or
> DVD burner. Burners have better laser positioning and you will get
> better quality rips.'. EAC claims to make perfect rips regardless of
> the drive using error correction.
> Also, what sort of USB soundcard and DAC would be needed to make a
> vortexbox or other PC sound as good as a squeezebox touch? Or would it
> be cheaper to use a Vortexbox just to store the music and a squeezebox
> touch to play the music?

I think it is considered a high quality ripper, but it does NOT have
accuraterip capabilities. EAC and dbpa both do. I personally use
dbpoweramp, although I do have a vortexbox appliance.

Regarding your second question, not sure, but I suspect a second TOUCH
is probably just as cheap as a high quality soundcard. And plus it is
nice to have your Vortexbox Server sitting in an entirely different
place than your listening room.

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