Zonker92;628960 Wrote: 
> It's too bad the Touch doesn't communicate directly with my iPhone via
> internal wireless or Bluetooth, but going through the wi-fi system is
> OK; just still seems a little laggy (transport and volume controls) and
> a few times, when I started a new song the sound would stop for a
> second, then start up again smoothly with no further problems.  (I
> still need to figure that out.)
It is quite possible that the lag is due to the NAS's limitations,
rather than wifi issues. Now that you have the NAS running okay you
could easily test that hypothesis by running SBS on your PC. You don't
need to uninstall SBS from the NAS, just change the Touch to connect to
the PC's instance of SBS instead of the NAS's. Then see if you get the
same lags and interruptions when using the iPhone when it's your PC
running SBS.

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