stereoptic;692743 Wrote: 
> Weird thing is this morning the SBT couldn't connect to the server.  I'm
> not sure why.  Perhaps the wind overnight windstorm knocked out the
> cable for a while?  Dunno.  Server IP address on the SBT indicated
> ! I checked the server (mac mini) and it was up and running
> with an IP of, as it had been.  I did a "Connect to
> Ethernet" on the SBT (even though I knew it was connected because the
> radio connected) and then a connect to macmini and it connected.  Still
> indicated as the server address, though. is the local loopback address. Its one of the network
standard addresses for the local device. Rfc3330 if I remember
correctly dictates that 127.x.x.x is reserved for loopback addresses
meaning it can't be routed on the Internet. Any device running a web
server such as lms could be reached via or
http://x.x.x.x:9000 where x is the real ip address of the server and
the web service is offered over port 9000.

Basically, it means the touch was using it's own internal server and
library. Not tested but this is the behaviour I'd expect if you used a
memory stick with music on attached directly to the touch with no other
network connectivity.


SB3 Deep Blue screen - 2 Clocks, 3 Low noise regs, SEPC & ZA caps,
External PSU 80VA, Hexfred & Mundorf SI, RA Signature PowerKord.
Audio Aero Capitole MKII Spinner & DAC, RESTEK fantasy (modded),
Heavily modded SL-1200MKII,Denon DL-103L by Expert Stylus Co (Sapphire
Cantilever & custom Diamond stylus),Classe Processor,  Focal 706v
kimber rewire and Mundorf Supreme in crossovers, 8TC speaker cables,
Kimber power cables & NNUX mains filter.
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