Triode;696572 Wrote: 
> Answering this specific question.  192k playback is possible if the
> output device reports it as an avaliable rate.  Squeezeplay (the
> playback app) queries alsa for the max samplrate supported by the
> output port and reports this to the server.  The server then
> automatically uses sox to resample if the rate is above that reported.
> UAC 2 devices should be able to do 192k.  The internal spdif and dac
> also appear capable of it if the alsa plug layer is bypassed (i.e. one
> at a time).  Not sure of the load it will place on wifi, but over a
> wired connection I think this may be viable.

I looked at the server code recently and this does seem to be the case.
Last time I looked there was a fixed frequency in the player modules,
but that is no longer true for squeezeplay players. It requests
parameters from the player and thus should be able to play 192 with a
USB DAC that lets it know it can do 192. 

The internal DAC and S/PDIF is probably going to be more difficult.
Their drivers have tables which take the desired sample rate and set
processor registers appropriately. Unfortunately these tables only go
up to 96. I did a quick look at this a couple years ago and could not
figure out the correct register values by looking at the other values,
it was not obvious. One would have to get the processor data book and
figure out the right values. Not too hard but it takes some time.

And Triode, great work! Thanks for working on this, a lot of people are
going to appreciate this.

John S.

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