ste1;696725 Wrote: 
> Hi Triode,
> I have tried this with a Musical Fidelity V-Dac 2.  This is an asynch
> dac however I do not know if it is USB 1 or 2. 
> I followed the instructions on page 1 of this thread last night and
> both applets insalled OK.
> Problem I have is that the DAC doesn't appear by name to select in the
> USB Audio Output menu. Instead I get 2 options: Digital Output(44-192)
> and Analgoue Output(44-192). 

Those outputs are the internal digital and analog ports (which this
kernel also supports at 192k sample rate).  You should have seen a
separate entry at the end for your dac.

Can you ssh into the touch and let me know what the following command

cat /proc/asound/cards

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