gh0st;698666 Wrote: 
> another field report...
> setup:
> MDAC (latest beta firmware)
> SBT with TT3.0
> source material 16/44.1 & 24/96 flac and 320k spotify (thanks Triode,
> highly superior to the official plugin :)
> results:
> Kernel #1: works fine provided the buffer in TT3.0 is set to 5000. I
> haven't tried every graduation in between, but 4000 was a definite
> failure - pops every couple of seconds. With 5000 the MDAC's usb buffer
> display is always ~45-80%.
> Kernel #3: less successful, I set the buffer up to the SBT default of
> 20000, but this made little or no difference to the buffer depleting
> and a corresponding pop when it hit bottom and refilled. With the
> 16/44.1 it would consistently fill to about 20% and then descend
> steadily to nothing, then jump to 20% again and so on. With 24/96 it
> filled up higher, maybe 60-70%, and descended more slowly, but would
> still hit zero and pop.
> Has anyone seen a software fix for this or is it the usb hub / isolator
> treatment?
> cheers ./dom

Anything other than kernel #1 will need a hub.  Kernel 1 has a
workaround specifically for this, but is limited to 44/48k sampling
rate and only works with some dacs such as MDAC.

If you want to play higher resolution I suggest getting an external
hub, otherwise stick to kernel 1.  There will be an easier way to
install soon which will integrate the different kernels and make the
kernel 1 capability an option.

Note - its the hub which fixes this, not the isolator.

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