jean2 wrote: 
> You don't need to run SBS on a laptop.
> Personally, at home, I'm running a SB-Touch with an attached USB drive
> and the internal TinyLMS server. The networking of the Touch is
> configured to connect to my WiFi Access Point. The Touch can play local
> music from the attached USB drive (without a PC), and can also play
> Internet Radio via the network.
> On top of that, I have another SB-Touch and a SB-Radio that connect to
> the TinyLMS on the first SB-Touch. They can play music from the USB
> drive attached to the first SB-Touch. The only thing I needed was to
> connect them to the same WiFI Access Point and use the same SB
> credential.
> Moreover, I have a tablet with a SB controller application that can
> control all the other SB devices.
> Let face it, you managed to do the most difficult part, which is to run
> a SB-Touch with an attached USB drive. The only thing you need is to
> configure the network on that SB-Touch, don't change anything else.
> Also, most people will say that you would be better to buy a cheap
> iTouch or Android device as a controller rather than Logitech
> controller.
> Regards,
> Jean

Thank you. I set it all up and thought that he could view the Touch
screen well enough from his seated position ~8' away but he really
can't. I have an extra Duet controller and he has used it in my system
in the past so he knows that it's nice to have all the details right on
the handheld screen. My original post was seeking how to integrate the
remote with the system I have set up currently. With your advice and
garym's I'm getting close to a solution. 

I've also found the playlist creation on the Touch itself a little
cumbersome so perhaps installing LMS on the computer and creating and
managing playlists there will be easier in the end.

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