saeyedoc wrote: 
> It's reasonable to assume that there may be measurable differences, but
> are they audible? That's the real question. It's different in a pro
> setting where you don't want to propagate those small errors, they could
> add up to something audible eventually.
Here is something else to consider.  I understand that transmitting any
signal through almost any cable can result in attenuation of the signal
that is measurable.  But the cool part about the digital vs anaolg
format is that you have a DAC at the receiving end that interprets the
signal before decoding it.  The DAC does not need a pristene wave form
to interpret 0's and 1's!  Think of it like this:  My daughter can't
find her swim goggles so I check the swimming pool.  Whether or not I
can see the goggles on the bottom of the pool is a function of the
clarity of the water and the depth of the pool.  However, if the pool
isn't so murky or so deep that I can make out the goggles, I can get the
net and fetch them.  I don't have to see the googles with perfect
clarity, I just need to see tham well enough to identify them.

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