lovejoy wrote: 
> Will it do 24/192 over USB? My Audiolab will only do up to 24/96 over
> USB as it's a class 1 USB device, but will do 24/192 over coax. The main
> problem at the moment is having anything meaningful to listen to at
> 24/192 - The only recording I currently have at this rate is Fleetwood
> Mac's Tusk - Great album, but comparing the waveform with the standard
> Red Book rip shows it to be pretty much identical. Turns out that Tusk
> was an early digital recording, so there's nothing above 22KHz anyway,
> so whoever's clever decision it was to release this was either being
> deliberately misleading or just didn't know what they were doing. Kind
> of puts you off even bothering with high res content.

Excellent post! I agree that the main drawbacks to 24/192 (and at times
even 24/96) are lack of available and worthwhile recordings, excessively
high prices and the "wtf" factor of trying to make something which is
standard resolution into high resolution by simply  up-converting (which
is exactly what was done with the "Tusk" recording).

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