Waldo Pepper wrote: 
> I have never got DHCP to work with my Logitech devices so have been on
> fixed IP since day one. I assume the router will not DHCP out IP's
> assigned that are fixed. Does this have to be set up manually as I have
> never bothered and does it assign from the lowest address upwards? My
> laptop/netbook and tablet all work fine with DHCP.

The DHCP server doesn't know about the  fixed addresses, you have to
explicitely assign IP addresses that are not in the "pool" the DHCP
server uses. The only way tofind out what addresses the DHCP servere
uses is to log in to the router  and go to the DHCP configuration page.

For example my router uses 100-200 as the DHCP pool, so stuff below 100
and  above 200 are fair game for static addresses. But some routers will
use 2-200 as the pool, others use 100-254 as the pool, so there is no
way to choose something that is guaranteed to work, you have to find out
what  your  router is  doing. On most routers you can change it to
whatever you want, so even if your SB stuff is in  the  pool you can
change the  pool.

There is another issue, if the computer running LMS is running DHCP,
some routers  will change the IP address every time it renews the  DHCP
lease. In some environments this changing IP address of the server can
cause the players to not find the server. To get around  this problem I
set my server to a fixed address and let DHCP set  the address of the
players, for  me this seems to work much better than the server address
changing and  the players being fixed. 

John S.

JohnSwenson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5974
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