MichaelJ wrote: 
> Gary, I'm curious...how did you arrive at 75% volume? I recall a
> discussion where Pippin suggested that any volume over 18 on a touch
> would pass a 16/44 file with no loss.
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?89228-Touch-Volume-Control-Quality&p=645562&viewfull=1#post645562
> I'm just trying to figure out how much attenuation I really need.

Nothing scientific. And I'm no engineer, but this is the way it has been
explained to me by those that are. The squeezeboxes are are getting 24/x
streams from the server. So a regular FLAC files is 16/44.1, but is
being streamed as 24/44.1.  The extra 8 bits can be used in digital
volume adjustment without "losing" any bits from the 16/44.1 file.  As
you start reducing the volume too much you've moved beyond the 8 bits
and may be losing quality.  So my 75% is just a rule of thumb based on
all this.

I can reduce to 50% or even lower on listening to some things and not
notice any difference.  So it is not that critical.  But if I'm doing
"critical" listening, I set the digital volume to 100% and control
volume with preamp.  But even here I still leave RG on (although it is
using Album gain at that point and intra song differences are

p.s. I'm not sure what volume of 18 is percentage wise. I'm typically
using squeezeplay or ipeng to control and seeing percentage not the 0-?
scale on which the 18 is based.

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