This is one of those very difficult to answer in the general sense. I
have a $1200 CD player that does not sound as good as the Touch, but a
$4000 one which is a lot better. Non of my less than $1000 players are
better than the Touch, but that does not mean it is universally true. I
certainly have not compared  it to every player out  there. 

Then there is what you are looking for. I have been in a listening
session with several people where different people ranked equipment
differently and we were all in the same room listening to the exact same
setup. So YOU may like the Touch better and someone else may like the 
CD player better etc. 

The same thing goes for external DACs, there are a LOT of inexpensive
DACs out there right now, some people think some of them sound better
than the Touch analog outs and others think the Touch sounds better. 

I have a system in my listening room (It's all DIY, so don't ask what
equipment it is) that is very resolving. I also have built many DACs,
some of which  are about as good as it gets today. These DACs DO sound 
significantly better than the Touch, but the Touch on it's own still
sounds quite good in this system. Last night  I  was  doing a little 
comparison with the Touch, a $300 DAC and a $1200 DAC. The Touch easily
beat the $300 DAC and was neck and neck with the $1200 DAC. Of course
someone else might have  heard it differently. 

But then  there is a $150 DAC (HRT music streamerII) which when used
with EDO and parts of  TT3.0  is better than that $1200 DAC! (again that
is for ME, someone else may think differently)

John S.

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