After posting I continued to read associated threads and found this:

> 2013-05-16, 04:27 #4
> mherger  mherger is offline
> Babelfish's Best Boy
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> Apr 2005
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> Feature request for 7.8: Uncomment ALAC section inconvert.conf
> ALAC native playback now is enabled in both 7.7 and 7.8 (for players
> which 
> support it).
> -- 
> Michael

So I reset server settings to:
apple lossless: native
flac: disabled
mp3: disabled
pcm: disabled

... and voila, 192 delivered to the dac.

I can only assume my earlier issues were unrelated to edo.

pierrepfeffer wrote: 
> apple lossless: disabled
> flac: faad/sox
> mp3: disabled
> pcm: disaled
> Using the above server settings, and using the coax connection between
> touch and dacmagic 100, I appear to be getting 192 frequency through to
> the dac when playing 192 alac files.
> Switching between different frequency 24 bit source files the dac
> responds with the correct frequency (correct corresponding light).
> One item of note regarding the dacmagic 100 - it signals frequency by
> illuminating a corresponding light.  It has no light to signal 176.4,
> and it wouldn't play a 176.4 frequency file.
> Thanks all for the help ... and thank you Triode for a great app.

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