Thanks for the detailed description.  I have apple losssless set to
"native" and flac (within the apple lossless server setting) set to
sox/faad.  Stock touch is now handling 192 alac file I presume by
down-sampling from LMS, and edo touch delivering indicated 192 on same
alac 192 file.
Mnyb wrote: 
> ..more info under track info on both the touch itself and the web-UI it
> tells you .  If it is transcoded it informs you otherwise it presents
> the file format as is. 
On touch with edo and touch without edo, when i go to "more info" it
gives me the file's encoded  sample rate, but does NOT tell me if
down-sampling is taking place.  For instance, touch with edo playing 192
alac file tells me "apple lossless, 192."  Touch without edo tells same
story, though of course it must be down-sampling to play.

I can't find any transcoding / sample rate informatiion on web ui - if
by that you mean either "advanced settings" or "web remote control." 
I'll see if i can figure out how to run "debug" and check settings in

> Note that the transcoded to... Info is somewhat bogus , to see the real
> rates you can use debug and see the settings in the log .
> For example touch/LMS presents everything transcoded to flac as 750 kBps
> this is just some placeholder value , the developers never got around to
> make the actual rate available for presentation .
> And if you don't see any additional services/processes started by the
> server it does not transcode you will se flac faad lame or SoX running
> when LMS transcodes 
> And Gary is rigth it LMS does not do unecessary transcoding it does so
> when needed provided the settings are not a mess , it prioritize to keep
> the highest quality the device will support .
> There is a corner case LMS actually per default transcode wav to flac ,
> this is because many uses wifi and it will almost half the used bandwith
> for transmission, if the server CPU is weak this can be disabled ( and
> it is disabled in many NAS versions of LMS for this reason ) .
> soundquality will ofcourse be the same , the ambiguity is to trade off
> CPU cycles vs wifi bandwidth .
> If your player is wired you can turn this of and save the CPU cycles ,
> but using wav files is a bit unusual .
> Transcoding between sample rates LMS knows what the player supports and
> does this when necessary .
> When the file format exceeds the player capability and it will be the
> sample frequency as all squeezeboxes since v2 are 24 bit.
> Unknown to me is how EDO handle this what does EDO tell the server ?
> Afiak triode has done things to ensure that LMS sends 24/192 to a Touch
> where a stock touch only supports 24/96 .
> However if you syncronise with a lesser player LMS have to use the
> sample rate this player supports , for example a Radio can handle 24/48
> and if it's in a synced group of players this is your max rate .
> And I'm not sure about alac , my Touch without EDO mod and 7.8 does not
> play hirez alac , so I keep the transcoding on .
> The same with AIFF files the native support for those are also a bit
> limited.
> However even if LMS transcode for example and AIFF file it will keep the
> sample rate intact it will still be for example 24/96 if the source file
> is done that way .
> So even if the settings are a bit of a mess the symptoms will be
> somewhat benign you get transcoding to an equal lossles format .
> You can ofcourse use bitrate limiting or deliberately  set everything to
> mp3 :-) .
> Note even if there is an mp3 option enabled for each file format it will
> not be used if LMS is allowed to use some of the other options as
> "native" or PCM or flac for example.
> The mp3 option will then only be invoked if you enable bitrate limiting
> in the player settings , this is for example usefull if your Radio is
> out in your garden a long way from the wifi router .

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