Cut-Throat wrote: 
> This DAC is listed on the very first post of this thread. Under
> Audioquest --- Here   
I connected my Touch and tried to find the alsa settings when connected
to my DAC.  They aren't in /var/lib/alsa, and after logging onto the
touch, tools I'd normally use are not installed (such as amixer). 
Someone who knows the linux setup on the Touch better than I should be
able to help.

LMS 7.9 on VortexBox Midi running Xubuntu 14.04, FLACs 16->24 bit,
44.1->192kbps. Wired Touch + EDO, coax to Musical Fidelity M1 CLiC.
Wireless Xubuntu 14.04 laptop controls LMS via Chromium.   Meridian
Explorer USB DAC to listen via Squeezelite on Vortexbox & other PCs as
required.  Spare Touch in loft.
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