current status...

not previously available, now provided by toybox:

    basename blockdev bzcat
    cal chgrp chroot cksum comm cut
    dirname dos2unix
    echo egrep env expand
    factor fallocate fgrep find free
    head hostname
    logname losetup lspci lsusb
    md5sum modinfo more mountpoint
    nice nl
    paste patch pidof pmap pwd
    readahead realpath
    seq setsid sha1sum sort split stat strings sysctl
    tac tail taskset tee time timeout truncate
    uname uniq unix2dos usleep
    wc which whoami xargs

previously toolbox, now toybox:

    chcon chmod clear cp
    ln lsmod
    mkdir mknod mkswap mv
    netstat nohup
    readlink rm rmdir rmmod
    setenforce sleep sync swapoff swapon

close to switching:

    cat --- missing -n (though we do now have nl(1)) [patch sent upstream]
    chown --- bugs with argument parsing [patch sent upstream]
    cmp --- missing -b, -n. (both dating from the original git import,
with no changes since. ignore and try toybox anyway?)
    date --- probably okay to split this into date/hwclock (will need
local patch for hwclock to use /dev/alarm instead of /dev/rtc; should
fix /dev/rtc handling)
    df --- missing -h; column alignment broken. [tradefed now patched
to support new format; no need to support either old Android format]
    du --- our default block size was 512; -h output slightly
different. [patch sent upstream]
    grep --- missing -A, -B, -C, color. compare performance with BSD grep?
    id --- missing -Z, output slightly different. [patch sent upstream]
    ifconfig --- seems to be superset; test networking after reboot
and switch over?
    inotifyd (vs notify) --- seems to be incompatible superset; move
over and see what happens?
    ls --- missing -Z
    renice --- ours has nonstandard -r, -t (equivalent to -n?), -g (“get”).
    touch --- ours has nonstandard -l (equivalent to standard -h),
better resolution. [patch sent upstream]

most blocking for me is probably your decision on whether to have a
single TOYBOX_SELINUX configuration option that turns on all the
selinux stuff or not. iirc i sent that as part of the id patch, where
i also changed stuff like setenforce to say "default y depends on
TOYBOX_SELINUX" so there's just one switch to flip. i'll get back to
the other selinux commands next week, so let me know which style to
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