Stephen Moretti kirjoitti:
> 2008/10/8 Jani Tiainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>     Rainer Sokoll kirjoitti:
>      > On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 01:59:48AM -0700, Jean Marie wrote:
>      >
>      >> I want to disallow a group of user to select a certain action for a
>      >> ticket, e.g. a developer is not allowed to close a ticket.
>      >
>      > I have a similar issue. A developer must not close a ticket, instead,
>      > once he marked a ticket "resolved", the ticket must go over to the QA
>      > people. They will perform their tests and finally, either close the
>      > ticket or re-assign it to the developer.
>      > This is still not resolved for me (has not prio number 1), but I
>     think
>      > it is doable by changing the default workflow.
>     Correct.
>     First you need to create new permission, e.g. TICKET_CLOSE.
> And to create your own permissions : 

Doesn't that BlackMagicTicketPlugin make possible to create arbitary 
permissions for tickets?

Jani Tiainen

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  Tein sen, en yhtään enempää." - Martti Servo & Napander

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