On Mar 28, 2009, at 9:47 AM, Chris Nelson wrote:

> We use Trac and love it.  We're about to roll it out to a broader  
> user community and there are some rough edges we'd like smoothed and  
> some features/plugins we'd like.  We're not Python experts and are  
> busy with product development even if we were.  We'd consider paying  
> for the development of new, open-source plugins to meet our needs.   
> I've inquired at Edgewall, Googled, and searched on Trac-hacks.org  
> and not found anyone who says, "We'll take your money to work on  
> Trac."  Is there any commercial developer of trac out there?

This should probably be more explicit online, and Jonas can correct me  
if I am wrong, but Edgewall is no longer an official support  
organization. At this point it acts as a project hosting site for  
Trac, Genshi, et al, and acts as an IP holding umbrella. AFAIK all the  
employees have since moved on to other places.


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