2. Task A is composed of tasks B and C.  A's estimated time is the
   total of B's and C's.

This makes sense, and I think it would be good to have support for this
independent of a gantt plugin.

nit: Task A might have hours for A, in addition to subtasks B and C.
You might want to ban this by policy, but it makes sense for some people.

In the requirements, it's not clear to me if the scheduling is supposed
to be resource aware or not.  It's easy to push tasks to earlier when
they don't depend, but that can use more resources than are available.
So the question is are we trying to make pretty pictures to show a
schedule that we sort of figured out some other way, or to ask
trac/plugins what the best guess at the schedule really is.

   3. Tasks A and B start at the same time
   4. Tasks A and B must end at the same time

I don't think this is realistic from the reality point of view.  I think
it's more like point 2 above that has A composed of B and C and C
depends on B so you get

  A_start <= B_start [resource] B_end <= C_start [resource] C_end <=
  [resource for A]? A_end

which is perhaps a reason not to allow time in A not in subtasks.

And if there is no time in A, then A_start = min(Asub_start) and A_end
is max(Asub_end).

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