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Olemis Lang skrev 09. april 2009 15:54:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Olemis Lang <ole...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To be more precise in this point. Trac Gantt may be considered a 
> potential example of MVC architecture. In other words :

It was, in fact, used in the first ever paper on MVC:


  "I made the first implementation and wrote the original MVC reports
   while I was a visiting scientist at Xerox Palo Alto Research
   Laboratory (PARC) in 1978/79."


  "They are described in my first note of May 12, 1979:
   THING-MODEL-VIEW-EDITOR -.an Example from a planningsystem."


  "Date        12 MAY 1979

   The purpose of this note is to explore the thing-model-view-editor
   metaphors through a coherent set of examples. The examples are all
   drawn from my planningsystem, and illustrate the above four notions."


  "The diagram is an instance of class GanttView, which is a subclass of
   ChartView. ChartView knows about the diagram background: axis with
   legend, gridding etc. It does not know anything about the information
   to be put into the diagram, in this case the horizontal bars."

Still an interesting read, almost 40 years later, to the day.

You might also find the newest paper by Trygve Reenskaug (same author)
and James Coplien interesting:

"The DCI Architecture: A New Vision of Object-Oriented Programming"

- -e

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