
I hope someone can help me.

I have installed Trac 0.12 in combination with postgres 8.4.2, Python
2.6.4 and Collabnet Subversion 1.6.12 on a windows 7 machine.  I also
installed psycopg2 using psycopg2-2.2.1.win32-py2.6-pg8.4.3-
release.exe from here

I followed the steps taken on
more or less ( some links are broken on the page and it is for a
dfferent revision).

I do not get install errors.

When I go to do anything that is associated with a repository I get an
error saying no module named svn.

I have looked in c:\Python26\Lib\site-packages and I see the following

09/07/2010  04:29 PM    <DIR>          psycopg2
20/05/2010  10:45 AM             1,712 psycopg2-2.2.1-py2.6.egg-info

in the psycopg2 directory I see

 Directory of C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\psycopg2

09/07/2010  04:29 PM    <DIR>          .
09/07/2010  04:29 PM    <DIR>          ..
20/05/2010  09:47 AM            11,534 errorcodes.py
09/07/2010  04:29 PM            11,716 errorcodes.pyc
09/07/2010  04:29 PM            11,716 errorcodes.pyo
20/05/2010  09:47 AM             4,658 extensions.py
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             5,103 extensions.pyc
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             5,103 extensions.pyo
20/05/2010  09:47 AM            16,512 extras.py
09/07/2010  04:29 PM            22,276 extras.pyc
09/07/2010  04:29 PM            22,276 extras.pyo
20/05/2010  09:47 AM             8,202 pool.py
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             8,713 pool.pyc
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             8,713 pool.pyo
20/05/2010  09:47 AM             3,206 psycopg1.py
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             3,337 psycopg1.pyc
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             3,337 psycopg1.pyo
20/05/2010  09:47 AM             3,610 tz.py
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             3,789 tz.pyc
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             3,789 tz.pyo
20/05/2010  10:45 AM         1,105,408 _psycopg.pyd
20/05/2010  09:47 AM             3,287 __init__.py
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             2,609 __init__.pyc
09/07/2010  04:29 PM             2,609 __init__.pyo
              22 File(s)      1,271,503 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  946,775,277,568 bytes free

So it looks to me  like it should be available but I can not see the
module manually from python:

Python 2.6.4 (r264:75708, Oct 26 2009, 08:23:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import svn
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named svn

I would appreciate any ideas as to what I can try next.



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