Am Donnerstag, 14. November 2019 11:55:54 UTC+1 schrieb RjOllos:

> $ pip install svn+
> * Replace pip with pip2.7 as needed
> * For Git repositories, use "git+" prefix rather than "svn+"

Thanks. But when installing from a custom link, for later updates I need to 
do another pip install -U from exactly the same link or does the 
installation remember it's source URI?

Btw. all the updating via pip is not optimal. From what I learned on 
#python@freenode, pip has no 'pip update' and no 'pip update all' which 
every package manager should have a convenience function for. There is only
pip2 install --user -U <pgklist>
pip2 list --user --outdated
which I could use as input for the first.
I could also maintain a <requirements file> but that would mean I need to 
maintain that for every new package.

Finally after talking about these shortcomings on pip I was told, that 
"poetry (for projects) and pipx (for executables) are more suitable tools 
for end users", and that some " 'update all' is woefully ill-advised 
misfeature in library managers like pip and npm.
I'm no Python dev yet and a bit confused about... so pip is more a library 
manager than a package manager...
But still Trac advises to use pip if not doing the "python2.7 
bdist_egg" manually.

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