On Sun, 2017-04-16 at 13:41 +0100, Sam Thursfield wrote:
> Hi Chris
> On 4/15/17, Chris <cpoll...@embarqmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > I've asked about this several times and have received, that I'm
> > aware
> > of, no replies. Not even one saying 'don't worry about it'. If a
> > bug
> > report is necessary I'd be happy to submit one. Here is what the
> > latest
> > shows in my syslog (please ignore other than the pertinent
> > entries).
> > 
> > https://pastebin.com/rWpuwgEJ
> > 
> Sorry for the lack of responses about this.
> I think this error occurs when the tracker-miner-fs tries to insert
> duplicate information for files that are already in the store. That's
> why the error says "UNIQUE constraint failed": the nie:url table
> enforces that there's only one entry for a given URL, so the
> duplicate
> insert is rejected.
> This error is mostly harmless, but obviously it's bad that Tracker is
> wasting energy trying to insert duplicate entries to the database and
> filling your syslog with junk. I've seen this before but I don't know
> what causes it. I guess we need to add more diagnostics to
> tracker-miner-fs so that it gives more useful error output; it's the
> sort of problem that never occurs when you're actually in a position
> to actually debug it.
> It's possibly a compatibility issue caused when upgrading from one
> version of Tracker to another ... (our automated tests don't cover
> that at all at present sadly). I hate recommending this but I think
> that removing the database and recreating it will fix. If you don't
> have important data saved in your Tracker database try `tracker reset
> --soft`, and if that doesn't fix, `tracker reset --hard`.
> There appears to be no bug for this already in Bugzilla, so please
> file one if you can. And thanks for contributing to Tracker!
> Sam

I tried both --soft and --hard reset. I still get what's shown on the
pastebin link below and my syslog is now syslog 350415273 in size, well
it's huge! So large that in fact postfix refuses to send my hourly
syslog snippets to me because the file is too large. After running
either soft or hard I did a restart, I assume I had to do that. Here's
the link to the paste - https://pastebin.com/EKG6V4cm Question is
though I'm seeing the same output to syslog when I just do a system
restart that I do when I run 'tracker reset -e or -r and then a restart
is tracker trying to rebuild the database each and every time I do a
system restart? If so that does seem like an awful waste of resources. 

Since I installed tracker 1.12.0 from source after this bug was fixed h
ttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=779342 (Thanks Carlos for the
quick response to this, Ubuntu Gnome folks still haven't provided the
fix for download). I 'assume' that since I haven't had any more issues
with the problem in the bug I can safely say that I'm running 1.12.0
instead of the Ubuntu version 

apt-cache policy tracker
  Installed: 1.6.2-0ubuntu1.1
  Candidate: 1.6.2-0ubuntu1.1
  Version table:
 *** 1.6.2-0ubuntu1.1 500

As you can see below my load average is super high which is right after
the restart and all the tracker processing.

If I've left something out or I misunderstood something please let me
know. I'm not quite sure how to word the title of the bug report.
Something like 'When tracker is restarted after a system restart it
attempts to completely rebuild the database'? Should I also report the
same bug in Ubuntu? As I noted above I've still not seen a fix trickle
down from the one Carlos made the same day as I reported it.


KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C
31.11972; -97.90167 (Elev. 1092 ft)
14:17:46 up 5 min, 1 user, load average: 7.28, 6.00, 2.85
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, kernel 4.4.0-72-generic

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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