On Sun, 2017-04-16 at 16:41 -0500, Chris wrote:
> On Sun, 2017-04-16 at 13:41 +0100, Sam Thursfield wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Chris
> > 
> > On 4/15/17, Chris <cpoll...@embarqmail.com> wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I've asked about this several times and have received, that I'm
> > > aware
> > > of, no replies. Not even one saying 'don't worry about it'. If a
> > > bug
> > > report is necessary I'd be happy to submit one. Here is what the
> > > latest
> > > shows in my syslog (please ignore other than the pertinent
> > > entries).
> > > 
> > > https://pastebin.com/rWpuwgEJ
> > > 
> > Sorry for the lack of responses about this.
> > I think this error occurs when the tracker-miner-fs tries to insert
> > duplicate information for files that are already in the store.
> > That's
> > why the error says "UNIQUE constraint failed": the nie:url table
> > enforces that there's only one entry for a given URL, so the
> > duplicate
> > insert is rejected.
> > 
> > This error is mostly harmless, but obviously it's bad that Tracker
> > is
> > wasting energy trying to insert duplicate entries to the database
> > and
> > filling your syslog with junk. I've seen this before but I don't
> > know
> > what causes it. I guess we need to add more diagnostics to
> > tracker-miner-fs so that it gives more useful error output; it's
> > the
> > sort of problem that never occurs when you're actually in a
> > position
> > to actually debug it.
> > 
> > It's possibly a compatibility issue caused when upgrading from one
> > version of Tracker to another ... (our automated tests don't cover
> > that at all at present sadly). I hate recommending this but I think
> > that removing the database and recreating it will fix. If you don't
> > have important data saved in your Tracker database try `tracker
> > reset
> > --soft`, and if that doesn't fix, `tracker reset --hard`.
> > 
> > There appears to be no bug for this already in Bugzilla, so please
> > file one if you can. And thanks for contributing to Tracker!
> > Sam
> > 
> Usually I have 5 tracker process shown running when I run pgrep
> tracker:
> chris@localhost:/var/log$ pgrep tracker
> 4709
> 4710
> 4717
> 4723
> 4725
> Coming back a few hours later after that last restart I find when
> checking the tracker processes I only have one:
>  pgrep tracker
> 8424
> Since I assume that the daemon has not restarted for some reason I
> run
> tracker daemon which outputs:
> tracker daemon
> Store:
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✓     Store                 - Idle 
> Miners:
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     Extractor             - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     Userguides            - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     Applications          - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     File System           - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> And if trying to start the daemon:
> tracker daemon start
> Store:
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✓     Store                 - Idle 
> Miners:
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     Extractor             - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     Userguides            - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     Applications          - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> 16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     File System           - Not running or
> is
> a disabled plugin
> So, do I have to restart the system again to see if tracker will
> start?
I imagine by now you're getting tired of hearing from me. However, I
have more questions and I apologize for not understanding what's going
on. In my last post, quoted above, everything except tracker store was
not running or disabled. Instead of restarting the system I logged out
and back in again to see if the daemon would restart. It apparently did
and again started filling up syslog. Prior to logging out and back in
however before doing that I set --set-log-verbosity=debug. I logged out
and back in and some output is here - https://pastebin.com/tEi4V0tQ als
o this includes other information. I've changed the verbosity back to
'errors' will log out and back in again and see what happens this time.
Now I'm back to the output to syslog as before

Apr 16 12:04:14 localhost gnome-session[3500]: (tracker-miner-fs:3721): 
Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not execute sparql: UNIQUE constraint
failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily
related): Resource temporarily unavailable)
Apr 16 12:04:14 localhost gnome-session[3500]: (tracker-miner-fs:3721): 
Tracker-WARNING **: File 'file:///home/chris/Downloads/tracker-1.12.0'
has been reenqueued more than 2 times. It will not be indexed.


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