On Sun, 2017-04-16 at 13:41 +0100, Sam Thursfield wrote:
> Hi Chris
> On 4/15/17, Chris <cpoll...@embarqmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > I've asked about this several times and have received, that I'm
> > aware
> > of, no replies. Not even one saying 'don't worry about it'. If a
> > bug
> > report is necessary I'd be happy to submit one. Here is what the
> > latest
> > shows in my syslog (please ignore other than the pertinent
> > entries).
> > 
> > https://pastebin.com/rWpuwgEJ
> > 
> Sorry for the lack of responses about this.
> I think this error occurs when the tracker-miner-fs tries to insert
> duplicate information for files that are already in the store. That's
> why the error says "UNIQUE constraint failed": the nie:url table
> enforces that there's only one entry for a given URL, so the
> duplicate
> insert is rejected.
> This error is mostly harmless, but obviously it's bad that Tracker is
> wasting energy trying to insert duplicate entries to the database and
> filling your syslog with junk. I've seen this before but I don't know
> what causes it. I guess we need to add more diagnostics to
> tracker-miner-fs so that it gives more useful error output; it's the
> sort of problem that never occurs when you're actually in a position
> to actually debug it.
> It's possibly a compatibility issue caused when upgrading from one
> version of Tracker to another ... (our automated tests don't cover
> that at all at present sadly). I hate recommending this but I think
> that removing the database and recreating it will fix. If you don't
> have important data saved in your Tracker database try `tracker reset
> --soft`, and if that doesn't fix, `tracker reset --hard`.
> There appears to be no bug for this already in Bugzilla, so please
> file one if you can. And thanks for contributing to Tracker!
> Sam

Usually I have 5 tracker process shown running when I run pgrep

chris@localhost:/var/log$ pgrep tracker

Coming back a few hours later after that last restart I find when
checking the tracker processes I only have one:

 pgrep tracker

Since I assume that the daemon has not restarted for some reason I run
tracker daemon which outputs:

tracker daemon
16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✓     Store                 - Idle 

16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     Extractor             - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     Userguides            - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     Applications          - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Apr 2017, 16:28:29:  ✗     File System           - Not running or is
a disabled plugin

And if trying to start the daemon:

tracker daemon start
16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✓     Store                 - Idle 

16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     Extractor             - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     Userguides            - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     Applications          - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Apr 2017, 16:34:06:  ✗     File System           - Not running or is
a disabled plugin

So, do I have to restart the system again to see if tracker will start?

KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C
31.11972; -97.90167 (Elev. 1092 ft)
16:18:15 up 2:06, 1 user, load average: 0.25, 0.20, 0.13
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, kernel 4.4.0-72-generic

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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