It's not the greatest solution I'll admit :(. It's what we have for the moment though. It's a dirty hack that works “good enough” to ensure that those who want to avoid promoting non-free software can (this includes myself- I frequently point to it over the main URL). When we have the new site ready it'll be more compliant with the FSF guidelines. That is the main URL and not just The main site still won't be perfect still though. It'll still contain is compatibility information on distributions which include non-free software. It'll also still have supporting documentation for such distributions. It will however exclude information on programs which are non-free that are currently in our in-house software directory.

This isn't the only place we're 'cleaning up'. I've made some effort to purge references to distributions which include non-free software in our brochures as well. The entire process of moving toward free software has been ongoing since day one. We have always been a freedom-focused operation. I was not aware of Trisquel's existence originally and gNewSense was never an option (for less technical users-which are really the focus of our operations). We never sold hardware dependent on non-free software despite having an Ubuntu-centric site. This was a matter of usability/compatibility. It was not possible to support gNewSense due to technical issues (old software such as kernels, difficult for less technical users, etc).

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