Because of the logic behind Ubuntu itself. If Trisquel is based on Ubuntu and fallows the same development then it should use the same DE no ? After that we already have Xfce for the mini, but yes this could be a good choice to unify te versions. LXDE is not apropriate (even if I love it) because of the lack of features and the hard work to make them work nicely (without talking about all the changes ruben has already did to gnome itself in Trisquel). Cinnamon is not very stable and it is horrible in big screens with huge resolutions (I know it by experience) but it can be solved indeed. As for KDE, it think that it could be a wise choice, but there is a problem, and the problem is, if Ruben doesn't choose the "good" default configurations, then you will have a slow Trisquel that could be rejected by the FSF for their personal use (and many of the users here as well), because KDE is so beautiful and so maniable that any mistake and any wrong configuration could lead to a broke and slow DE (I also know it by experience).

My words are not those of Ruben, RMS etc.. it is only my ideas (since it is a brainstorm) on how to solve this problem while in the same time not doing the mistake to give more work to ruben that's all ^_^

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