wow. What a passionate response.
I'm not at all sure who your rant is directed at, but if it's at me, I don't use windows, have no desire to use windows, can't stand windows ... etc etc. Here's a problem that no one has so far solved. Print books are relatively cheap, you can walk into just about any book store and pick one up. But for those who are blind or who don't want them, it gets tricky. YOu have to listen to audio books. Those are available too, but generally run somewhere in the vacinity of $35, and that doesn't include shipping. There are cheaper, but these are rare. I do no about gutinburg hope i'm spelling that correctly, but I want a way to read the latest hit from the authors i'm interested in. This requires books that are copyrighted. I don't want to download those books without paying for it, would gladly pay for them. If they weren't so expensive. Since you are so passionate about creative commons, licenses, Find a way to get audiobooks in those licenses. You try that and the publishers will scream bloody murder and you'll either have a lawsuit on your hands or they'll try to encumber it with drm. I'm trying to be reasonable but I'm not "playing the victim", just stating a fact. Ebooks are a nogo, drm encumbered, and ebook readers are not accessible to us blind people and aren't freedom friendly anyway. I agree with lots of stallman's points but I take real issue with him, or anyone, telling me that ethical reasons are more important than feeding my family. Try telling the irs that you didn't pay your taxes because the tax software is proprietary. See where that gets you. This has turned into a bit of a rant, so I apologize. I really, really want to switch to free software only but hardware issues aside, I'm having trouble finding alternatives to things I use. I don't use skype, facebook or twitter. I do listen to music and watch movies which i can do with free software. I download the occasional youtube video which I can do with free software. The few games I play are gpl3, which is good. but parts of my hardware do not work with free software and I cannot simply go out and buy another laptop or desktop. Can't afford it. Seriously peopls. We all want the same thing. Free software to be the rule, not the exception. Why do we fight so much. Telling people "sorry your laptop doesn't work, here, go buy another one." Won't work. "sorry you need proprietary software to work, quit your job and get another one." Doesn't work. I don't understand why people who want to join the free software movement often get a bad taste because we're so uncompromising. Just my two cents, i've said enough for one day.
08/07/2013 04:24 PM, wrote:
I am starting to find some arguments presented here ridiculous. Really!
"sharing knowledge" and "sharing your copy doesn't harm the person who gave you the copy", yada yada yada.... You guys are forgetting that what we see in the web are THOUSANDS of websites that "share" the latest hollywood piece of crap, while making money from ads! That's not sharing knowledge! That's not doing something good! That is "I want to watch movies without payin eheh, I am smarter than them eheh, I have internet and in internet you don't need to obey the law, and you don't need to think about morals, because its the internet eheh, is not real life, eheh".
That line of thought disgusts me... -.-
You know what guys?? Go ahead and just reverse engineer Windows, change the code and use it! Why use free software?? Free software also has to do with respectign licenses, but you care ZEROOOOOO about licenses! I know what the problem is... most people who support piracy, never used their brains to create something new and make a living out of that. They probably never used their brains anyway, let alone to create something new...

You pirate a book/movie/music/whatever, you harm the creators and the people who run bussiness around that content. You care nothing about that. You care about your own desires and luxuries. You pirate a book/movie/music/whatever, you disobey the law. You care nothing about that because for you "the law does not apply to the internet" or "the internet does not belong to the police and the government". You pirate a book/movie/music/whatever, you harm the people who create Creative Commons and Public Domain content. You bring attention to the pirate material, instead of the free content. You care nothing about freedom, you care about whatever the hell you want and look at no means to get it!

If there is one thing that sickens me in the free software movement are the people who think piracy is ok...... Either stupidity was born within them, or they just are so selfish that they fail to recognize their own history.

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