I hate to start a flame war on my first ever post, but I would like to ask a question relating to lembas' post: Isn't Wine a platform to run non-free software? Who would use Wine, a free program, practically to run free software? GNU/Linux as an OS is where free software is out to play, and the ports of free software to Microsoft's (evil) product Windows is largely ignored. I certainly never heard of LibreOffice before I learned (and come to love) free software in the form of the GNU/Linux operating system. And yet don't you guys refer people who want to play games and miss their Windows gaming to Wine, hence pointing people to compromising their freedom? True, if they valued their freedom they would give up such a thing, but to give up millions of video games of the (very crappy) Windows world is a very hard demand.

Just my two cents, and I love GNU/Linux Trisquel :)

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