
I am looking for a website that can provide a decent web hosting. I don't even really specially need web hosting, I need to make an online website with some pages, text, images and files to download. I used Wordpress at 000webhost, but my IP got reported as spam bot and now I have trouble accessing the site.

I am not asking for just any hosting or service, I am looking to get a fairly simple website that runs on free software. I just wrote web hosting because I know that works and I already tried it. I know that Tumblr allows you to put up some pages, images and files, but it's not free software, therefore I refuse to use it.

I tried out Red Matrix, since that seems to be free software, but it doesn't seem to do what I need it to do. I'm not actually sure how it works, at all.

So if anyone knows any decent and free (as in freedom) website or web hosting, please share your knowledge, it would be appreciated :)

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