>If that does not work, you can try to find other developers who share your opinions and fork.

Hi, yellow log. You are smugly speaking as if this is in the future, and "you won't find any developers, hahahhaha, you're powerless"

That FUTURE you are suggesting will never happen, did happen. Two years ago.

No you do not have to find one other person in the world. You are NOT beholden to others in OpenSource. That is the WHOLE point. As a user you can become a developer. I forked Xonotic into ChaosEsque, there is no other steady developer. Sure, with git we all share code at will, the way it was ment to be ( You HAND PATCH between branches, so you know exactly what the software does)

Secondly the Users in OpenSource/FreeSoftware manifestos mentioned are 1970s type users: people who compile, modify, write, their own software. NOT windows95+ users who don't do anything but use.

We are not slaves to your masses.

Also I pray your French state is overthrown. It was a communist pro-feminist piece of shit from the revolution. They killed anyone no in line with their thinking. It needs to go.

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