thanks mzs114. yehh... we know... the FSF was not very happy to learn that the creators of the "Librem laptop" had not done their due diligence before using the word "Librem". i had a lot of explaining to do there, about why i was happy to use Crowd Supply when they'd backed that project, and it boiled down to two main things: one, they trusted the creators of the Librem (and didn't know that it implies certain freedoms and that due diligence has to have been done in order to be able to use that word) - Crowd Supply certainly know now because we explained it to them! but two, they're very very much "on the ball", are much smaller and more selective, and just generally have this much better "vibe" about them which has an eco-angle. they've backed some really really beautiful projects, including a carbon-fibre surf board that uses balsa wood (very light-weight), an awesome USB-stick computer, an educational robotics kit, and many more. so.. yeah. it just felt right.

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