Sorry for all the questions -- and thanks for taking the time to answer ... just a few more from me

For the laptop, does the LCD connect to the Computer Card via a LVDS? Will your business sell different LCD screens (perhaps higher res, perhaps just replacement screens) in the future that we can buy and swap in to the current laptop body (perhaps with a case mod, perhaps not)?

Will your business sell replacement keyboards, batteries, wiring, battery controllers(?), etc?

Is Parabola appropriate if I want a stable, reliable OS to use for work? I have heard over the years that Parabola is for advanced computers and that people who use Parabola must regularly fix bugs because Parabola gets all the newest updates. I am fairly novice and won't have time to learn how to fix bugs ... reliability is really important to me. Would Debian be safer in this regard? How can I use Debian while sticking with Trisquel's principles?

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