I just found the possible cause of the bug.

It seems that the donations page has the thousands units separated from the hundreds by a comma (","). It's OK, but if one tries to use this with awk, it doesn't like it and simply discards it. It was quite a puzzle actually, but it came to my knowledge when I tried to sum the USD donations with "dc" command.

The "dc" command complained that a certain input number was invalid due to the commas, and there was only one input number with such character.

Then I decided to try to modify the financial information table builder a little. It stays exactly the same as the one in that page, and most differences are aesthetic, the main functional difference can be found only on how the "amount" variable is set/defined (previously, it simply took the amount with commas, now these are removed).

Here is the new financial information table builder (if you are seeing this in the mailing lists or with an email client, check if no extra line breaks were made):



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