> I heard that Steam provides games for GNU/Linux, too, being proprietary software (as I suppose it is), would make that unfree though, right?

Steam is proprietary and almost all of the games on it are proprietary. Those that aren't can be obtained through other means.

> Are there any games like the ones I mentioned above as of yet for Trisquel?

That's why I asked. :) No libre game lives up to the standards of modern proprietary games, but those that exist can be improved. I think you should take a look at 0 A.D. in particular:


The rest of the games you mentioned are unlike any libre games that are currently available (in particular, I'm not aware of any libre stealth games), so those would have to be started from scratch. But here are some other kinds of adventure games and RPGs to try:

* Naev: http://naev.org
* Nox Imperii: http://noximperii.com/
* Beneath a Steel Sky (package "beneath-a-steel-sky")
* Freedroid RPG: http://www.freedroid.org/
* Hexoshi: https://hexoshi.gitlab.io

Of course, you can also look at the Libre Game Wiki for other games:


Where there isn't a libre game project that's like what you're looking for, someone is going to need to start it from scratch. The most active thing you could do to that end is organize a team, put together a techdemo, and run a crowdfunding campaign similar to the one I ran for Hexoshi.[1] Being able to contribute something significant (e.g. graphics) would be very helpful if you want to take this route.

[1] https://www.crowdsupply.com/onpon4/hexoshi

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