> Why don't you program a webbased email frontend like gmail without javascript?

Is that supposed to be some kind of joke? Until just around a decade ago, no webmail system required JavaScript. Heck, Gmail still doesn't require JavaScript to use webmail AFAIK, and there are other services with Webmail that doesn't require JavaScript. Riseup.net (my host) is one of them! You might as well challenge someone to write a program that edits text files.

> In a CMS they also expect a handy image uploader that can handle drag and drop, maybe allowing you to sort the uploaded images via drag and drop and so on.

"Drag and drop" is not a job or functionality. It's an aesthetic. Drag-and-drop just for a file upload will usually work, no JavaScript required, because it's already a feature of the Web browser. Why don't you try turning JavaScript off and dragging a file to the "Browse" button for attaching a file on this very website? It works. Here, I've attached something to this post that way.

Drag-and-drop for sorting things? That can be achieved just as easily with standard inputs. Buttons, for example, or to order things more quickly, a bunch of listboxes indicating new desired positions (one next to each item) and a "submit" button. In that case it's not quite as convenient, but still possible.

> I'm pretty sure that the only reason you never heard "a single example" is because you always refuse to accept those examples as valid ones.

No, no example I have been given has ever been one where I couldn't either point to an example of a website that achieves the desired outcome without JavaScript, or conceptualize a very obvious alternative solution to the same problem.

For aesthetic reasons, I can see the point in making use of JavaScript. But aesthetic reasons are no excuse for requiring JavaScript. You can use your pretty JavaScript code for drag-and-drop sorting and put a fallback JS-free version using standard inputs behind a noscript tag. And aesthetic reasons are not a valid reason to suggest that JavaScript embedded into Web pages is a necessary feature.

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