To my knowledge gnutaler is something nobody uses, correct? Then next step is, why not? I know, I want to use gnutaler because gnutaler limits the amount of data seller gets about buyer regarding a transaction. Why do sellers not use gnutaler? Likely because, they, if they knew about gnutaler, would consider gnutaler one more administrative burden. Even more, which is the impression I have gotten, authorities would get a more effective way of assessing sellers' taxes. A more effective tax assessment, likely a lot of shops would want to avoid. That is why I think, gnutaler has to be rolled out by legislation. Because not enough people will start use gnutaler pressuring shops to use gnutaler.

> You're also framing this as a hypothetical
I do not understand this sentence.

> is highly illegal? Taler isn't meant for drug dealers
Being illegal has never effectively stopped tax fraud from being a major problem and occurrence. Tax fraud applies about legal goods. I am not aware, tax fraud is a matter of importance about illegal goods.

How will you get people, meaning buyers, to use gnutaler? Do you think it is enough to tell people about gnutaler? Do you think shops will start using gnutaler if they got to know about gnutaler? If gnutaler is less costly to shops, than other digital methods of payments, maybe they will.

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